pulp pusher
October 15, 2003 � 5:42 p.m.

Second Entry Today

I have been sitting here at my desk munching on peanut butter crackers and washing them down with lukewarm Fresca, reading back entries of Eight-9-3's diary for the past hour and a half when I should be working.

"Should" being the operative word. There's a lot of things I "should" be doing with this time in my life, but I've never been one to do what I "should" be doing as much as I adore to do what I "shouldn't" be doing.

Anyway...where was I? Oh yeah...Eight-9-3...

His diary is one of the best things I've ever read! He reminds me of Chuck Palahniuk (the famed writer of Fight Club and Choke) with his imagery and witty remarks. I am totally hooked. You have to read him...have to, have, have to!!!

All right...enough of the Eight-9-3 pimping...


I keep having the dreams with the entities hunting after me...and they just keep getting stranger and stranger. Last night, I actually had Diaryland folks in my dream. Yup...my faithful reads made cameos in my dream last night! How freaky is that?

Well...quite...actually...since I have no clue who these people really are and what they look like, but that's not the point.

The point is that I am being haunted by these fucked up apocalyptic type dreams where powerful entities of the universe are all gunning for ME because I stumbled onto some secret of all existence that no one even believes me about when I tell them. If I wasn't such a pussy they'd be really cool dreams to have...but they just seem too realistic to me and I'm not sleeping as deeply as I should because I'm tossing and turning and periodically jerking myself awake all night when the images get too disturbing.

Funny thing is, as terrified as I am of these dreams in real life, the dream me is one brave bitch! I am a total bad ass with the weapons and pithy comments and I'm really starting to hone my powers (with help from some of the more sympathetic entities who think I'm harmless, which I really am since know fucking believes my ass).

I would try to write them down and maybe make a bitching ass story out of them, but I am more of a love story than sci-fi writing kind of girl and I have no doubt that I would completely fuck it up somehow.

So I guess the story will remain untold...unless it's not actually story at all and it's really going on right now, in which case the rest of you foolish mortals will know the truth one day...

until then...I am your unknown champion...honor me accordingly....

...donations are most welcome.


Last night I had to fight every urge in my soul to call up Swiz and ask him to come over to see me. I think it was the rainstorm...it had me particularly randy and I was in the mood for some straight up, primal, rough ass fucking. That's right. I said it! I needed some dick. Still do...but I refuse to deign to call him.

Well...I'm afraid of calling him because if I call and he comes then I will expect him to always come when I call, but if he doesn't come, then my feelings and ego will be totally crushed and I will just have to go and slit a wrist.

Neither of these options seem to have good repercussions, and so, I will take the bitch way out and not call, curl up with some Chick Fila, and watch some low down and dirty porn.


I suck sometimes...I really, really, do.


With that...I will take my leave, because this stupid ass entry is pointless and quite convoluted because I can't really concentrate from the hunger picking at my stomach and the images from Eight-9-3's diary wafting in my brain.

Oh!! But last night I was up late and I saw and episode of Hellsing and I heard THE most gangster line I have ever heard in an anime!!

"My dick is SO fucking hard right now!! I am going to fuck that bitch, shoot her in the head...and then fuck her there!!"

Now that's fucking gangsta!! You know I'm hooked now, right?

Hellsing...watch it...it kicks ass!!

Why am feeling I like some kind of fucking commercial right about now?

Buy it now! Read it now! See it now!! It's a must have for today's world!! You can't live without it!!

It's grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaat!!!


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