fuck murphy and his law
August 26, 2004 � 1:37 a.m.

First Entry Today

Today�s Weather: Fucking�arrrrrrghhhhhh!!!

Is anybody out there?

No�I didn�t think so.

Better that way anyway.

So, this morning I�m driving along to work, screaming out the lyrics to DAZED AND CONFUSED when suddenly�my check engine light comes on�and I get confused�and dazed.

I pull into a gas station and get the oil checked. Oil is fine. But as I start the car up, she starts to chug and sputter and I pull over to the pay phone and park.

I do NOT fuck around with the check engine light.

I call up Darryl and tell him about it, letting him know I checked the oil and all and he just sighs when I tell him I think it�s the battery and tells me he�s on his way. Luckily, his girl let him use her car or I�d have been shit out of luck. I called work to let them know�well I called Lola to let her know and to pass the word along. She offered to come get me, but I didn�t want to put her out, so I told her Darryl was coming and I�d be fine.

But as I was sitting there, I noticed that my radio was still on, the seatbelts were still functional (they�re automatic), the clock on the dash was still working, and the interior lights and windows were working just fine. So guess what? No way in hell is there anything wrong with the battery.

So I call Charlie back, who had finally called me after trying to reach his ass for 2 days about his damn truck that�s impounded in Philly, and his stupid ass tells me that the title is in his friend�s name, which doesn�t matter since the fucking title is in the truck. He was slurring and incoherent, which meant he was already fucking drunk at almost noon. I tell him I need the title before I can even ATTEMPT to get the insurance for the truck BEFORE we could even try to go up and get the truck out. He then argues that I was wrong and all I needed was the vin number, which he had. I just got the insurance done on my car so I know what the hell I need, okay? He gets funky with me and I tell him to give me the name of the pound so I can call and find out how much it is and if it�s possible for them to keep it past Friday, and you know that stupid fucker didn�t know the name of the place that is holding HIS truck!??!

What the fuck?!?!

He told me he would get the name and number and call me back.

I haven�t been able to get in touch with him since.

Fucking family. How fucked up is that? I�m stuck on the side of the road, begging for help and information on a truck that is just sitting there waiting for someone to come get it, and I get treated like I�m a fucking idiot?

Are you serious?

So Darryl comes and I inform him it�s not the battery, and after 25 minutes of trying to start and move the car, we were able to get it started and move it a whole 20 feet off of the station�s premises so they won�t tow it. He drives me to work, asking me what I wanted to do about the car and I choke back tears as I rant about how stupid Charlie is. I was so fucking frustrated. I mean, I�m a grown woman sitting in a car and trying not to cry in front of my younger brother that I had to drag out of bed to drive me to work because I am too pathetic to have anyone else in my life I could call on.

So I get to work�late�and not even 10 minutes in, the Queen calls and starts into me about the stupid fucking truck and tells me I�m always so negative and I need to get up off my ass and go get the truck instead of doing something stupid like getting a new car and another bill to pay. Like I don�t know that shit. Like I NEED this shit. Next thing I know, I�m screaming into the phone and sitting with my back to everyone crying at my desk because everything just seemed so fucking overwhelming and completely hopeless that I all wanted to do was jump out the damn window to shut the world up. I mean, there�s NO WAY I can pull off getting the title, getting the insurance, and getting the money out by Friday when I DON�T EVEN KNOW WHERE THE DAMNED THING IS!!!!

Lola gave me a ride home, and we stopped by a car lot to look into some windows. Some detail guy came out, and only talked to us because he wanted to talk to Lola, and they talked shop while I stood there like an idiot, not knowing anything about anything they were talking about, and I have to go out tomorrow on my own and try to negotiate getting a car without getting royally reamed? Yeah�that�s possible.

Side Note: Pretty girls get attention�and answers.

It�s been worse since I�ve been home. They place is a wreck and demon cat keeps clawing the shit out of me because I�m trying to type and not paying attention to her. The Queen is pissed at me because I told her to drop it already about the fucking truck. Darryl isn�t here so I can�t discuss a game plan for tomorrow. There�s nothing here to eat and I�m fucking starving�not that it matters since the kitchen is filthy as all hell and I don�t have the energy to clean it�again.

I told them I won�t be coming it to work, and I have to drag Darryl around to car lots to try to get a car with only $500 in my pocket and a shitload of bad credit.

I am beyond miserable.

I need a damn drink.

I need a damn hug.

I am just needy.

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