hump day horror
July 14, 2004 � 7:10 p.m.

First Entry Today

Today's Weather: Tears falling to flood the world

Another day, another argument with Monkey over the lies he tells me about my job.

Another argument, another day I am sitting at my desk falling apart in tears.

I don't know why I let this place get to me, but some days I just feel like the redheaded step child of the family, and daddy just LOVES to single me out and fuck with me.

I feel so fucked up inside, right now, that I seriously can't think straight. I am honestly and truly afraid to leave here and drive in the rain out of fear what I might do. I am that distracted and filled with that much despair that "those thoughts" are just having a feild day right about now.

And I have no one to talk to about it, no where to go to calm down and try to think, and everything I think about that, it just makes it all a million times worse. It is all just chaos².

Thank you all for the great comments yesterday...Pork, Teets, Angel, Chick, Wenchie, and guys are the best.

And top ten things that I hate right now.

10. Job

9. Rain

8. Job

7. Me

6. Jenny

5. Me

4. Job

3. Monkey

2. Money

1. ME

I hate my job, but I hate myself just a wee bit more.

Now THAT'S disturbing.

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