he (poem)
September 03, 2003 � 5:58 p.m.

Second Entry Today

Here is the first in a trilogy I did...He, She, and They.




barrelled into her existance

and laid her best laid plans

by the wayside

and purified them in his putrified tidal wave

of affection, submission, and attention--

so submerged was she that


took over totally and she lost herself

inside of him,

and found herself again

bathed in a new form

far more beautiful

than she ever imagined that she could be...


painted her that way perfectly

slathering her with slippery slurs of admiration

and tender touches that frazzled her calm reserve

to leave her shaken to the core just from mere thoughts that


might someday go away

or diassappear back into the horizon

he had manifested from.


came along and quietly

reversed all her aversions

for snuggly words

and lilty caresses

and butterscotch kisses

that barely breached her lips

but fully penetrated her soul.


made life seem like an impossibility without him near her,

with her,

around her,

inside of her

in some way unknown and unseen;

sliding down in between

the dark crevices in the hidden recesses

of her tourtured heart-

killing her slow whenever they were apart-

a love saga borne with no end or any start.


abounded into her life and made her vulnerable,

made her love him...

and she's been paying for it ever since...

ever since she fell under the deadly spell of


�copyright ambroziya snow

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