September 29, 2003 � 7:35 p.m.

Second Entry Today


Against All Odds-Phil Collins

"I just keep passing the open windows."-Hotel New Hampshire

Recurring thought-I wish he would call *sigh*

A classic "What the Fuck?!?!" moment-Calling Ric to wish him a happy birthday just to find out his phone has been cut off.

He sells fucking cars...how can he not afford to keep his cell phone on?!?!


Have I ever told you that this time of the year is my favorite time of year? I love autumn time. I love the changes the world goes through...the leaves changing and falling, the smell in the air, the weather slowly making it's transition into winter...ahhhhhhhhh...I love it all so dearly. I am in Heaven.

Since I told you all that I will be condemned to the 7th circle of hell, I thought I would share a few tid bits about myself.

1. What is your favorite movie to watch when you wanna laugh? Shrek

2. What is your favorite movie to watch when you wanna cry? I am Sam.

3. What are the last 2 movies you saw? Rented

a. Brotherhood of the Wolf (fucking fantastic)

b. Dog Soldiers (awesome)

In the theater:

a. Lara Croft Cradle of Life

b. League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen

4. What are the last 2 books you read?

a. Good and Bad Omens by Neil Gaimen

b. Sandman Submissions (bunch of different authors)

Currently reading The Darkangel by Meredith Ann Pierce and American Gods by Neil Gaimen (can you tell I love Gaimen?)

5. What is the last band you saw live? Never been to one

6. What is in your CD player right now? Perfect Circle Thirteenth Step is in constant rotation�along with Audioslave and a bunch of mixed cds I made

7. Name your 3 favorite music genres:

a. Alternative/Rock

b. Old hip hop and R&B from the late 80�s and all the 90�s (this new shits sucks ass)

c. classical

8. What celebrity do you loathe the most? Ashante she just irks the shit out of me and I couldn�t tell you why

9. What celebrity do you love the most? Denzel Washington (yum)

10. Which celebrity do you most resemble? My mom

11. What famous person are you the most attracted to? Without a doubt�Sean Connery is the man!! I would sooooooo bone him and I don�t care how old he is!!!

12. Name 3 favorite tv shows from your childhood:

a. Sesame Street

b. Fraggle Rock

c. The Muppet Show

13. What song do you want played at your funeral? Angel by Sarah McClaughlin

14. If you could be a member of any band, who would it be? Linkin Park

15. Name 3 instruments you wish you could play: I already play the didgeridoo, flute, synth, harmonica, dulcimer, juice harp, and guitar soooo....

a. Piano

b. Violin

c. acoustic guitar

16. You have no choice but to be on one of these reality shows. Which do you pick? Real world

Fear Factor


Amazing Race

Real World

17. Name your 3 favorite comedians: in no particular order...

a. Ben Stiller

b. Dave Chapelle

c. Ellen Degeneras

18. What historical figure do you admire the most? Lucifer (and please�I am not being blasphemous or anything in any way�but you have to admit�it takes a lot of fucking nerve to stand up and actually challenge God to a fight, don�t you think?)

19. If you have siblings, would you like them if they weren't related to you? Yes, because they are interesting little wackos

20. What is your dream pet? A tiger

21. What would be your death row meal (you're about to get zapped and you get one final meal of your choice)? Ambrosia food of the Gods (ha ha�find THAT Mr. Death Row dealer man!!)

22. What 3 items would you take to a deserted island where you will be stranded forever?

a. a huge trunk full of books

b. a hunter�s survival kit

c. 2 dogs (male and female)

23. Name one thing you would do now that you would never have done when you were younger: argue a point with my mom when I know I�m right instead of letting her win and walking away

24. Name one thing you did when you were younger that you wouldn't dare do now: steal (I went through a clepto stage when I was little�stealing match box cars from toy stores lol)

25. Are you where you thought you would be at your age (job, relationships, etc.)? not even close

26.What age do you really feel? Younger than my teeth and as old as my tongue

27. Name an era in which you wished you had lived: Oh the roaring 20's.

28. Name 3 things that made you happy as a kid:

a. ocean

b. lightening storms

c. puppies

29. Name 3 things that make you happy as an adult:

a. writing

b. the ocean

c. being a dreamer

30. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? A billionaire�s sidekick (ok�how much fun and privilege do they get?!)

31. Name 3 negative things about yourself that you would change:

a. Smoking

b. My road rage

c. My Low self-esteem

32. You just won $10 million dollars- what is the very first thing you do with the money? Get a stack of thousand dollar bills and douse them in gasoline, find my father and smack him across the face with them before handing it to him and telling him he deserved it. Before walking away I would toss a lit book of matches at him (damn�that reeeeeaaaaaly sounds harsh don�t it?)

33. Name all the bones you've broken: none

34. Name 1 thing you can do that would impress your friends: I�m double jointed damn near everywhere

35. Name 3 things that make you nervous:

a. bugs

b. driving next to the double lines on the street

c. those flashes your eyes trick you with in the dark

36. Name the 1 trait you find the most attractive in a person: to take a joke

37. Name the 1 trait you find the least attractive in a person: being close minded

38. What is your favorite animal and why? Tigers because they just seem so majestic to me

39. Are you the life of the party or the quiet observer? observer

40. What is your favorite quote? �Life is nothing more than a series of games of chess. Every time we meet someone new, and new game begins, and we are all periodically winners and losers. Surviving as many games as I have, did you really think you could beat me? Maybe in a few years we�ll have a rematch, but for now, get the fuck out of my face.�

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