touched by an Angel
September 24, 2004 � 7:19 p.m.

Today�s Weather: Cranky and anxious and hungry as hell

So I come home last night and get the mail, right? And I see a package and start cursing because I think that it�s BMG sending me another unsolicited, shitty, overpriced CD, so I put it to the side and open the rest of my mail while Trixie uses my leg as a scratching post and screams for me to pay her attention.

Damn cat is SUCH an attention whore�I swear!!

Capital One mails me. I got a freaking platinum card, bitch!! Oh hell yeah!! I was dancing and singing and making danger kitty dance with me before I called to activate it. Sitting there going through the preliminaries with Cory who sounds like he has a wicked cold, and then he tells me my limit. I was breathless�on the edge of my seat�I was picturing all the stuff I could afford to get for the new place now�I imagined my new bed�

And Cory proudly tells me my credit limit is�.



Fucking $200?!?!?!? Are you shitting me? That�s it? Fucking two weeks of waiting and they send me a cool as card with Starry Night imprinted on it and the fucker only has a limit of two mother fucking bitch ass hundred dollars?!?!?!!?! WHAT THE FUCK?!!?!

Needless to say, I was upset. So I slam to phone down and trip over my brother�s boot and almost put my fucking eye out on the edge of the table. When Trix looks me in the face and meows loudly, I want to kill her. Just kill her.

I get up and try to wade through the living room, which is looking 50 times worse these days�and no�nothing in there has even been close to being packed yet. I just have the one huge box sitting in my room that I filled the other night. I want to pack more�but no damn boxes. He had off for a couple of days, and I didn�t see hide nor hair of his fucking ass until yesterday when I came home from work and he was sleep on the couch. I understand that I will not be moving NOTHING when we move�and I mean nothing�so I should just pack up all I can on my own, but damn. He could at least get his shit up and out of the way because I can not pack any of the stuff from the shrunk�if I had boxes to put the stuff in.
Have I ever mentioned I hate moving? I hate moving. We moved around so much as I was growing up that it is damn near a sport in our family to do the �snatch and run� moving maneuver, but I can�t do that this time. This time I have to go back and clean the old place out along with cleaning the new place and unpacking. I can�t leave it all fucked up, because my security is riding on this�and plus�I still have to live around here and look these people in the face and I don�t want them thinking that I am the biggest slob in the world. And Darryl knows this. He knows I will just end up sucking it up and doing it on my own and just be pissed about it, so he doesn�t care. He figures that as long as he gets his boys to move us on Friday, then I need to shut the fuck up and pack and clean like a good girl and let him do his man shit.
Sometimes I really hate his ass�I do�and I really hate being the responsible, worry wart one, too�because then dumb asses like him always get away with shit like this because everyone knows that I WON�T let it fall apart. Even if I damn near kill myself next week with work and packing, everyone knows that I will get it done and it will work out fine. The only unknown is who the hell is helping us move�.and you know�right now�I just can�t let myself even think about that.

So anyway�yes, the living room�and my phone rings. It was Jenny. I stare at it. Jenny? It almost goes to voicemail and I finally flip it open. She sounded different�and I sounded indifferent. I honestly didn�t give a fuck about hearing her voice�just like I feared. But then, we didn�t say anything, really. She called to tell me how Ben had moved out finally and he DIDN�T leave all of my stuff. He still has the most important stuff. And I go off. Now I�m screaming about how I am going to go to his job and cause a fucking scene and call his house and cuss him and his old ass bitch the fuck out and how I am going to find out where he lives and blah, blah, blah.

Needless to say, I was upset. So I finish my tirade and she barely sounded like she gave a damn anyway, and I start to try to talk about other things. Jeannie has moved in there�but she gave away all of her old bedroom stuff�so yeah�I guess they are staying there as a couple. So�met in March�go through bunch of drama and bullshit all of April and most of May where she�s not even sure if she likes her�end of May she�s still �not her girlfriend��and now at the beginning of September they are living together. As a couple. Alrighty then.

And I didn�t even say anything judgmental. I just asked what was up. She got all defensive and secretive like she KNEW it was a stupid move and she knows that I know it�s a stupid move. Then all the sudden her phone is dying and �it� hangs up on me. �She� never called me back.

All this time�we finally talk and we say nothing about our lives or play catch up or apologize or offer explanations. She tells me how Cowboy is an asshole, I go off, I try to ask personal questions, I get hung up on, and haven�t heard a damn thing since. Well fuck that, too.

So after I get hung up on�sorry��disconnected��I throw the phone down and plop down in front of my computer to check my email (I have sort of a net crush thing going on with someone on Live Journal�ugh�I am so in crush with him!!) and I glimpse the package out of the corner of my eye. I figure, what the fuck�maybe Hoobastank can be worth paying $22.50 after all, and am shocked when the box says Amazon.Com on it. Amazon? So I rip it open, thinking I must have ordered a book and forgot about it again, when to my glee I see it�s a DVD. It�s THE PRINCESS BRIDE!!! And I squeal with delight and turn it over and over in my hands thinking, �Inconceivable!!!� Which is one of my favorite skits in the movie�well..all the damn lives are my favorite. I have the damn thing memorized!!
I look in the box and there�s a note saying how she �just wanted to bring a little laughter into my life�, and I smiled till I cried when I saw her name.


She took the time to pick out this movie from my wish list and sent it to me just to make me smile. I sat there looking at it, and you know�things didn�t seem so bad. So what I have to pack and Jenny is a stranger to me and my cat sharpens her claws on my calves for fun? Out of the blue, I got something in the mail that showed me I am remembered�and loved�and by fucking golly, I�ll be damned if it didn�t make everything all right in my little chaotic world.

So thank you, my dear sweet little Angel-face. I promise�PROMISE�as soon as I move and get settled, I will be calling you so maybe we can have our coast-to-coast movie night.

I love you girl. Thank you for making my week.
(I would say month but�I DID just get a new car **smile**)

Don't you just love getting presents in the mail?!!?

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