swiz swoon #7
October 29, 2003 � 7:31 p.m.

Second Entry Today

I don�t understand.

If YOU didn�t have feelings for ME, then why would you go out of your way to see me?

Why would you stick around afterwards, lying with me when you should be going home?

Why were you so jealous of Cowboy, suspicious of Jenny, and so anxious to confess our situation to Leenie?

Why did you always linger to watch me, lean to touch me, or stall to talk to me when there was always someone else more interesting or more beautiful was around?

Why did you confess your crush?

Why did you confess your confusion?

Why did you confess your love?

Nothing here�nothing between us is as it seems. There is some secret�there is�something�between us that is unsaid, unexplored, or unrevealed.

Whether that is good or bad�I don�t know.

I know�I just�I don�t want to lose you. I can�t lose you. You are one of my best friends.

Is all of that�the friendship�really over now? After all we�ve been through�is it really that easy to just walk away�

from me�?

From US?

Call me�please call�tell me it will be alright.

Tell me we�re still friends.

Say�anything�just say�something�

Just call.

rIead bLeOtwVeeEn the lYinOeUs

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