October 10, 2003 � 6:01 p.m.

First Entry Today


Love Poems-Bilal

"You are the perfect verse over a tight beat."-Brown Sugar

Recurring thought-Dude...why is this hurting...?

A classic "What the Fuck?!?!" moment-I went to go pee and it hurt so I...being the paranoid nut I am...went to to see what it might be. come whenever I read for symptoms on something, suddenly I have all of those symptoms when just 5 minutes before I had none?

I know it's just my period going off, but now I'm freaking about UTI, Chlamydia, Endometriosis and all types of shit.

How idiotic is that?!?!


I "borrowed" this from my girl Angel because I'm bored as all shit and have nothing to really write about except how much I hope to see Swiz this weekend, and I'm amped about the strip club...and blah, blah, here is some things no one cares to know!!

Age: 27

Boyfriend: none...sadly

Chore you hate: driving in slow traffic

Dad's name: Thornton

Essential make-up item: black liquid eyeliner

Favorite actress: Meg Ryan

Gold or silver: Silver...can't stand the look of gold

Hometown: hmmmm...been all over...I guess Stratford, NJ since that's where I am now.

Instruments you play: some piano, strum a guitar...bang a bongo...but none of them all that greatly

Job title: Loss Prevention Analyst

Kids: none

Living arrangements: apartment

Mom's Name: Olivia

Number of people you've slept with: 8 (no shame there!!)

Overnight hospital stays: thank Goddess, none

Phobia: bridges, arachnophobia, claustrophobia

Quote you like: "Life is nothing but a series of chess games between you and all you encounter. Every one gets the chance to be a winner and a loser."

Rude habit you have: cursing at the wrong time

Siblings: 3 brothers (only one by birth)

Time you wake up: ha!! whenever

Unique habit: biting my lower before smiling

Vegetable you refuse to eat: Beets

Worst habit: picking at sore

X-rays you've had: none

Yummy food you make: whatever I am cooking at the time

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius...the water bearer baby!!

And look!!! I rule Europe!!!

**doing the Fuck You and can destroy you dance**

How you like that?!?!

The World Is MINE! by Demonac
You will conquer:Europe (except for the Vatican, which holds you off by casting Protection from Evil with their Pope powers).
Your title will be:Leader
You will succeed by:Cloning an army of Back Street Boys.
Your Enforcers will be:Nobody. You are so powerful that you don't need the help!
Your first act as ruler:A Stalinesque Purge.
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

And with that...I am leaving early to go on my treck to A.C. with my lesbian love child so she can get herself a lap dance!!

Tune in tomorrow for details!

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