the one about nothing
August 29, 2003 � 2:49 p.m.

First Entry Today


Janie's Got A Gun-Aerosmith

"You have to go. You have to go. Where the fuck does everybody go when they have to go?"-Gia

Recurring thought-I need to get Silvie cleaned

A classic "What the Fuck?!?!" moment- Going out my door and there's a giant spider making a web in the he's trying to catch me or trap my inside or something.


I HATE SPIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I found out something new about Sylvie last night.

She is claustrophobic.

I was driving down this narrow ass opening on 295. Due to construction, the passageway is only big enough for the car to drive through. There is no room for error like a quick sway to the left or right. There is no place to pull off to if your car starts to act up or breaks down. It is the passage of sudden death and the dumbest idea these asshole construction workers have come up with to date.

While I'm driving through there and out of nowhere, Sylvie slows down. I'm gunning it (trying to get the fuck out of there as soon as possible), but she is only hitting like 40mph. It was so funny how tight I was gripping the fucking wheel and sitting up straight and trying my damndest not to hit a bump or veer off the path. Sylvie chugged along until we were clear of the pathway and then jumped up to 60mph in no time.

Weird, huh?

I swear...that car is like a person. I already know that she does NOT like for any other woman to drive her but me and if a guy is driving, I better be either the only or one of the other women in the car or she WILL act up and not want to work.

Now that's what I call fucking loyalty.

Speaking of loyalty, I am currently not speaking to Jack. He played some stupid joke and told Monkey that I quit the other day when I was late coming in and Monkey, thinking he was serious because I hadn't come in yet, was about to tell the boss man I quit when I came walking in.

In a job scene as unstable as ours with Monkey being as paranoid as he was any of that a good idea? I was and still am so pissed about that. I could have lost credibility and big boss man would have started looking for a replacement. I have to that really Jack's agenda? I mean, lately...there's been some weird shit going here (as far as work) and I am noticing that I am left out of the loop when it comes to a lot of things, which is nothing new, but its becoming more and more common for there to be discussions taking place pertaining my job that I am not included in...but he is.

And...he's been acting strange every since me and Jenny became friends. He's been more catty and mean...the little racial jokes we had have gotten a bit out of hand...and the snide remarks about my life or the complete disinterest is staggering. I don't know where it came from, but I'm tired of being treated like I'M the one that's doing it. Like I'm the one ignoring him or saying mean shit to him or playing fucked up jokes on him...everything is always my fault.

He didn't even apologize face to face about his joke. He sent some email, and had the nerve to act irritated about me being pissed off.

I love Jack, I do...but I am starting to feel like I don't know him anymore...and the person that I do interact with...isn't really someone I want to know.

How fucked up is that?

What happened to us?

Anayway, I am out of here early today. I always get out of work early on

Fridays, but I usually stay late anyway to get some work done. I promised Cowboy I would take him around to a few spots so I am leaving early.

Oh don't get that face going!

It's for the barbeque, and besides, like I said, I have moved past all that.

Strange thing the horoscope. How freaky is that?

Wish me love, darlings.

See ya on the flip.


Daily Horoscope-Aquarius

Some intense effort on your part on behalf of a friend or love partner could transform that relationship. You'll definitely grow closer to that person, Thea. In fact, your relationship with him or her could pretty much be cemented for life - or at least for a long time. Be certain that your friend understands that you didn't do it for this reason - that your efforts were motivated primarily by concern.


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