bunny's story
August 19, 2003 � 8:45 p.m.

Mood-Gassy (eww wee!!)

Kiss From A Rose-Seal

"You seem a decent fellow...I'd hate you to kill you."

"You seem like a decent fellow...I'd hate to die."-Princess Bride

Recurring Thought-I need to get laid...soon!!!

A classic "What the Fuck?!?! moment-Jenny's Florida IM buddy just buys a ticket and announces she's coming up here to STAY A DAY with Jenny and spoil her.


Can someone say PSYCHO?!?!?!?!?!?!


My finger is really throbbing, but I wanted to post this here. My Bunny girl wrote this and sent it to me and I swear...she wrote this just for me, because this is just how I feel right about now.

She walked into her cold apt with her head down. She was mentally exhuasted from the trials of the day.

As she walked up her stairs she had an agenda and knew exactly what the night would hold for her.

The kitchen was dark for only a minute. She reached for the frosted glass she put in the freezer before she left for work in the anticipation to the perfect ending to a bad day.

The golden liquid slowly poured out of the bottle and cooled in the chilled glass. It was her key to heaven and relaxation. She dreamt about this all day. As she brought the chalice of pleasure to her lips, her heart jumped with anticipation. She knew how good this would feel.

As she took the drink in her mouth, it ran down her throat and warmed not just her body but her soul. The answers to all her problems were solved in an instant. Even though she knew they'd all be back by daylight, she knew she had this. This night, this drink, this bottle to fulfill her and get her through.

The spirits soon took over and made everything okay. Her head was clear, there was peace in the world. And for that moment, it was all good. That is, until tomorrow...

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