the survey says.....
2003-06-19 � 3:17 p.m.

Mood-hard to say...

Still-Macey Gray

"We are the choices we have made." Bridges of Madison County


I guess it's safe to say that Cowboy was heavy on my mind yesterday...and still is kinda. I'm worried about our Claudie. She was ours when we were together and she still far as I'm concerned. I really hope she is okay. I mean, life must be hard enough for her...her father moved out, she's deaf, she's being up rooted from the only home she has really ever known to move to some new state and go to a new school, her mom is an ex junkie and current dumb ass...I just really feel for her. I wish there was something I could say or do...I wish I could take her out for a day on my own...but I can't sign. I think it would make her feel better if she had an Auntie Thea she could always run to when things got bad...that she could tell anything to...that's what she adult that she feels is on her side. Damn I feel bad for her...for all of them...even Das Bitch. It must be awful.

Bunny left early today and now I have nothing to do. We usually email each other back and forth to pass the time. Jack is out moving into his house. I'm happy for him...even though I haven't spoken to him in a week...every since he accused me of trying to take his job from him. Joke or not, he really crossed the line on that, especially after what HE did to ME as far as the job was concerned. People in the work place can be so damn shiesty sometimes...just like I said. It doesn't matter how much you like someone...if it means promotion, you will fuck them over in a heartbeat.

Satan didn't come to work today, or call out. I tried to call his house but his phone was disconnected at his request the message said. I hope he is okay. He always calls in to call out, and more than that, he always calls me first or afterward to joke about why he called out. I hope he's not back in the hospital. I really like Satan. Why do I call him that? Because he looks like a picture of what you would think the devil would look like if he was a rocker...or at least what one of the head demons would look like. And he has an awesome voice...I could just listen to him sing or talk forever. I guess it's safe to say he's like a secret of those guys you like and admire...but would never ACTUALLY want to be with...then again...

I talked to my mom yesterday for over an hour. I hadn't really talked to her in awhile. I explained things to her about the Cowboy...well some of it. I didn't tell her that the main thing that gave him cold feet was that he didn't want to deal with another set of fucked up in laws. That one still hurts. We might have been fine if it wasn't for my family...damn. Anyway...she's helping me get some stuff for my place and she's gonna give me the money for my electric bill that she owes it's all good.'s a survey I took huh? This is who I am.

The Lost Soul
The Lost Soul

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